The Nuttgens Award
The Award is named in honour of Patrick Nuttgens (1930 - 2004). It was first offered in 2008 and is the result of a fruitful collaboration between York Georgian Society and the University of York. The award provides a grant of £500 to be awarded annually to two PhD students researching any aspect of the Georgian period.
Applications for the Award are judged according to the following criteria:
- Originality of the research project,
- Nature of the expenditure proposed and its value in developing the project,
- Financial need.
Patrick Nuttgens was a well-known and warmly remembered figure, both locally and nationally. He was founding Director of the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies within the University of York, and successively Secretary, Chairman and President of the York Georgian Society.
Appliations open in February each year and are managed by the University of York.
Past Awardees
Neils van Menen, The Abolition of Climbing Boys: Chimney Sweeps' Apprentices in Georgian Britain
Main: Frances Sands, Nostell Priory: History of a House 1740 - 1830
Subsidiary: Caitlin Blackwell, British Graphic Art of the late 18th and early 19th Centuries
Subsidiary: John Moores, France and the French as Represented in British Satirical Prints 1740 - 1830
Main: James Legard, Vanbrugh, Blenheim Palace, and the Meanings of Baroque Architecture
Subsidiary: Arlene Leis, Sarah Sophia Banks: Femininity, Sociability and the Practice of Collecting in late Georgian England
Carolyn Dougherty, The Operation of the Carrying Trade in England in the 18th and early 19th Centuries of Feminine Identities in the British Atlantic World
Dillon Struwig, City of Beasts: The Impact of Quadrupeds in Georgian London
Main: Anna Bonewitz, Fashion across Borders and Seas: Print Culture, Women's Networks and the Creation of Feminine Identities in the British Atlantic World
Subsidiary: Jessica Hendy, The Role of the Island of St Helena in the Abolition of Slavery, through DNA and protein analyses of skeletal remains
Main: Sarah Burdett, Female Militancy in British Dramas: 1789 - 1750
Subsidiary: Sarah Wride, This ill-shaped Monster: Representing the "Rotten Borough" 1761 - 1832
Main: Hannah Hogan, Work, Identity and Sociability in Yorkshire 1630 - 1750
Subsidiary: Madeleine Pelling, That Noble Possessor: the Pursuit of Knowledge and its Materials in the Collection of Margaret Cavendish Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, 1715 - 1785
Madeleine Pelling, That Noble Possessor: The Pursuit of Knowledge and its Materials in the Collection of Margaret Cavendish Bentinck, Duchess of Portland, 1715-1785
No award made
Gabriella Barnard-Edmunds, Material Mobility and the Horse-Drawn Carriage in the Age of Jane Austen
Main: Holly Day, The Development of the Pocket Memorandum Book in Georgian Britain 1748-1850
Subsidiary: Lilian Tabois, The Life and Work of Maria Graham (née Dundas, later Lady Calcott), Author and Traveller 1785 - 1842
Main: Katie Crowther, Georgian Paper Traces: Women's Stories, Ephemeral Texts and Hidden Objects
Subsidiary: Gemma Shearwood, Commemorating Imperialism in Westminster Abbey
Main: Rachel Feldberg, Non-elite Women's Engagement with the Production, Use and Consumption of Scientific Knowledge 1740-1810
Subsidiary: Roseanna Kettle, Noblest Insects of Industry: Identity, Form and Poetic Register in the Transpennine Industrial City